Virus Forces Community Center Closing

Effective 11/20/20 - 12/12/20

As we all approach the end of the year, we hoped COVID would end as well. Unfortunately, it has done anything but that. Our community continues to endure record breaking numbers of cases that continue in a surging trend. At this time, it has been deemed not safe for large numbers of our beloved community members to be gathered in an indoor space. To remain responsible and contribute in our efforts of reducing social interactions and the spread of the virus, the center and its services will be closed until 12/12/20 or until further notice. It’s an unprecedented and troubling time for us all. The center will be offering virtual Friday prayers via YouTube Live for the time being. Our YouTube channel can be visited by clicking the button below.

Please check the center website for any updates or call 313.584.9494 for any details.

We ask Allah to keep you and your family remain safe. Continue to practice social distancing and wear a mask when in public.


Visiting Public Places During the Pandemic


Needs For Special-Needs