What our 39,000 sqft facility really stands for.

About Us




Our mission is to cultivate a nurturing environment within our community that encourages spiritual and devotional growth. We aim to inspire genuine and meaningful education and development through the correct application of knowledge.




Our vision is to create an all inclusive space where the community can find resources for all their educational, emotional, and social needs through training, education, programs, workshops and so on.


Legal Status


The DCC Masjid Al-Salam. is a nonprofit organization registered in the state of Michigan. DCC holds a tax-exempt status under the Internal Revenue Code (IRC § 501(c) (3)). DCC provides all Islamic services to the Community of Dearborn Michigan and neighboring cities in Dearborn Michigan. DCC Masjid Al-Salam has established weekend School. DCC Masjid AlSalam is governed and directed by Founder Board Director a non-compensated counseling body. DCC is a law-abiding organization and works closely with city, county and state agencies and authorities to ensure continuous compliance with laws and regulations.


Philosophy of Behavior


The arbiter of conduct of DCC Masjid Al-Salam is to overcome evil with good as outlined in Quran 13:11 and as the prophet Muhammad said, “Love for people what you love for yourself and dislike for the people what you dislike for yourself.”


Terrorism and Violence


Terrorism is not a religious identity, rather it is a horrific behavior often justified by misapplied religious dogma. DCC Masjid Al-Salam, in accordance to its sole purpose and understanding of Islam, stands firm on the condemnation of all forms and acts of terrorism. The ill acts of a few misguided individuals shall not be viewed as the mainstream of Islam and Muslims. It is not sufficient to condemn terrorist activities after they happen. Muslims must be vigilant in implementing programs and sedulous in pursuing goals that build a proper understanding of Islam and subvert any terrorist activities anywhere. To promote bigotry against Islam, hate mongers exploit the legitimate concerns of the American people about terrorism. Anti-Muslims rhetoric compares in its claims and tactics to Anti-Semitism. Thus people of honesty and integrity of all faith traditions, especially the Abrahamic faiths, must stand united against both anti-Islamic and anti-Semitic pernicious accusations. The safety and security of the Muslim community is an indivisible part of the safety and security of the entire community and therefore, it is the right and responsibility of the whole community at large.